Elephants Line Up To Hug This 81 Year Old Woman…The Reason Why Will Leave You Speechless!

At 81 years of age, Daphne Sheldrick is definitely not your conventional grandmother. While other senior citizens look forward to their next bingo game and visits from their grandchildren, Mrs. Sheldrick is busy raising orphaned Nairobi elephants.
For almost 50 years, she has dedicated her life to the rescue of these endangered creatures, seeing them as part of her “family”. Rising every morning to tend to the care, feeding and exercise of these animals, Mrs. Sheldrick and her staff have saved hundreds of orphaned elephants. By bearing witness to the obstacles these orphaned elephants must overcome each day, Mrs. Sheldrick credits the elephants for her own unwavering strength, kindness and perseverance. This amazing human being brings hope to an otherwise hopeless situation. Prepare to be inspired.
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