Their Child Almost Died, Now They Are Warning All Parents Of This Hidden DANGER!

Every parent’s nightmare is to have their child sick and instead of getting better, the child getting worse and having no clue why. This is just what happened to Karla and Michael. It was to be a happy day, but instead that morning they had to rush their youngest child Emmett, who was turning one, to the hospital because of a high fever.
They were sent home with instructions to care for their child, doctors thought Emmett had the flu. But two days later he was puking up blood. They rushed him to the ER, doctors did x-rays and found what was causing Emmett so much pain, button batteries. They rushed him into surgery to remove the batteries which had burned through his esophagus, but he was far from being out of the woods yet.
Emmett was put on a ventilator to be able to breath and a feeding tube to be able to eat. Sixty five surgeries later Emmett is a happy and active boy. It was by God’s Grace and lots of praying of those around him that he pulled through. He still has to go to doctor appointments and therapy but he’s alive and well.
Karla and Michael want to warn parents of these deadly small items, it only takes two hours for the batteries to begin burning tissue, it’s as bad as swallowing drain cleaner. These very small, round batteries can be found in many everyday items already in your house. They are in remote controls, toys, singing greeting cards, discount store toys, hearing aides, watches, key fobs, holiday ornaments, holiday jewelry, flash lights, t-light candles, thermometers, reflectors, sing along books, garage door openers, animal toys(which are just as dangerous for pets if ingested), digital scales, clocks, ceiling fan/light remotes, musical toothbrushes and much much more.
More than 3,500 people of all ages end up swallowing these every year. So please take extra precautions to make sure these do not end up on the floor or anywhere a young child has access to.
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