Woman Can’t Decide Which Dog To Save – So She Saves The Entire Shelter!

Co-founder of Dog Tale Rescue, Daniele Eden, is no stranger to rescuing dogs in dire situations. She visits countless animal shelters around the world and brings the dogs back to her place in King, Ontario.
In January of last year she visited a shelter in Israel. The horror was more than she had ever imagined. It was the worst shelter her team had ever seen. There were 250 dogs living in a place built to only house 70. Some of the dogs had spent a few years there. Any food tossed into the kennels were just asking for a dog fight. There were more rats than dogs, dead and live rats everywhere.
She couldn’t decide which ones to save and which ones to leave so she bought the whole shelter. In only two short months she had placed 90 of the dogs in homes in Israel and she took 25 back to Ontario. There are still 150 that remain at the shelter. The team has helped the shelter undergo a transformation and helping the dogs get the care and vet assistance they need. Their goal is to bring all the dogs back to the shelter in Ontario, and of the 25 that had originally gone back there half of them have been placed in homes!
If you would like to help, adopt or even foster please visit their site: http://www.dogtales.ca/our-amazing-dogs/ Share this on Facebook if you think this woman did an INCREDIBLE thing!