She Thought It Was A Simple Coupon – What Came Next Moved Us To Tears

The holidays are a wonderful time filled with magic and joy. They can also be a time where it’s hard to make ends meet and every dollar counts. A mystery person taped a note that says “From one parent to another” on a package of diapers, actually 5 packages of diapers! Under the note was a $20 bill! King 5 News in Washington posted the following message along with the pictures above on their Facebook Page.
From our friend Aman, “I had to make an emergency diaper run at Safeway on 12th St in Tacoma on Christmas Eve (yesterday). As I walked to the register, I felt what I thought was a coupon taped onto the plastic, turned over the package in my hand, and found this note with $20 taped underneath. It moved me to tears. On my way out of the store, I told the manager what happened, and he said I was about the fifth person to tell him so. Thank you, 12th St Tacoma Santa! Merry Christmas!”
Aman Da Elle commented on the Post and said: “It’s true 🙂 and if the person who did this for me sees my message, I just want you to know it couldn’t have come at a better time. I was feeling overwhelmed and overlooked and you made me feel so special and I’ll always be so grateful for it. Merry Christmas!” Click Here to view the original thread on Facebook.
What a wonderful gift. All we can say is THANK YOU to whoever did this. Not only did you brighten the days and lives of the people who were on the receiving end, you also inspired us 🙂 We don’t think they did this for the credit, but we hope they see this and know how much a small act of kindness matters!
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