Firefighters Missing Dog Is Adopted By Another Family – Their Reunion Will Warm Your Heart

Earlier last month a firefighter from Battle Ground WA had to leave his dog behind with a friend to battle a wildfires that were getting out of control all over Washington State. He had no clue that it might be the last time he would ever see his best friend, Hunter.
Nineteen year old William Jones and his dog Hunter spent most of their time hunting, hiking, and hanging out at the fire station. When the state of Washington had multiple wild fires that needed extinguished, William was on the road to one of those fires at 2am. William had hoped have built the new kennel he had just purchased before having to head out for a fire but he was not able to do this, so upon leaving he left his dog with one of his friends in Vancouver.
After returning home Will was devastated to learn that Hunter had jumped the fence and had not been found. He immediately contacted the humane society and learned Hunter had been adopted out and was now going by the name Mic. There was not anything the Humane society could do. William went to Facebook to plea to the new owners to return his best friend.
“His name was hunter not mic. He wasn’t just my dog he was my best friend and my hunting partner. He loves the outdoors as much as I do. Since he was a puppy he went everywhere with me. This summer I became a firefighter and got called on a wild fire. I left him with a friend cause I knew I would be gone for a few weeks. I left to eastern Washington to fight fire with no service knowing my dog jumped a 6 foot fence and was in the pound. I got home after fighting fires for 3 weeks to be notified that hunter was in the pound. I called the humane society so I could get hunter out. They told me that he was adopted and there’s nothing they could do about it. Help me get my best friend back. William“
He had started to lose all hope until they got the call that Hunter had been returned to the shelter. When he arrived to pick up Hunter, he had jumped into his arms as happy as any dog could be. After a heartwarming reunion Will made sure that he was micro chipped before heading home! They didn’t waste any time getting back to their routine, they have even been spotted hunting together last week!
Watch the video below of their reunion!
Source, If this story warmed your heart, hug your furry friends and Share it on Facebook!