Homeless Dogs Scared To Be Rescued Until They Realize They Get To Stay Together!

Rescuers are a different breed of people, they volunteer their time looking out for the welfare of animals that aren’t their own. Some days they will spend hours in the heat and in unpleasant conditions just to rescue an animal. The volunteers in this next story are nothing short of this!
In Los Angeles California the Hope For Paws rescue was contacted by a woman about two pit bulls that were abandoned for almost six months in a truck yard. She had been feeding and watering the dogs but now that she was moving she was very worried there would be no one to care for them.
Without hesitation the Hope For Paws rescue headed out to the scene. It was a challenging rescue because they had to spend a lot of time under trucks. The decided to catch the male first. They later named him Clark. He was scared, but it was as though he knew the people were there to help him. Once one of the rescuers were able to put a leash on him and pet him he calmed right down.
Next was a female pit they later named Lois, she was scared and put up a little chase. She would get close to Clark, but as soon as one of the rescuers would approach her she would bolt. It took some time, but they were able to finally catch her.
Since the dogs were not hurt or in need of immediate vet care they sat with the dogs at truck yard just relaxing and getting to know them. Once on the road to the vet, Lois and Clark had to be separated for the trip, one in each truck. The moment they got to the vet office the dogs were reunited. The dogs were so happy to see each other, their tails were wagging and they joy was contagious throughout the vet office.
Seeing this the rescuers knew they needed to keep them together and adopt them out to the same family. Once bathed and vetted the dogs personalities started to come alive, sweet and loving. Lois and Clark are ready to be adopted and you can contact the LA animal rescue at www.laanimalrescue.org for more information! Watch the rescue below.
Article Source, The Dodo. Share this on Facebook if you hope Louis and Clark find an amazing home!