USDA Announces $6 Million In Aid To Panhandle Fire Farmers And Ranchers

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has announced $6 million in funding available to farmers, ranchers and forest landowners affected by the recent Panhandle wildfires. States affected are Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. The money will be available through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program and it is meant to assist in restoring grazing lands, rehabilitating landscapes, and rebuilding fencing and damaged watersheds. This program is administered through the USDA’s Natural Resource Conservation Service. It is a voluntary conservation program that provides assistance both financially and technically to agricultural producers.

U.S. Senator Pat Roberts said, “I am pleased USDA has acted swiftly to aid producers recovering from the largest wildfire in state history.“ He continued, “For many Kansans, the impacts are devastating because the fires not only consumed livestock, grazing lands, and fencing—but in some cases, homes, machinery, and equipment, too.”
U.S. Senator Jerry Moran said, “I have asked USDA to provide maximum flexibility in administering the federal assistance programs in response to the disaster, and will continue to make clear the urgent need for more immediate assistance to those impacted.”
Step-by-step assistance can be found at Producers in the affected counties are encouraged to check with their local Natural Resource Conservation Service Centers for additional information.
Source: People lost their lives, their livestock and their homes in these fires. If you’d like to learn more or donate please Click Here. It is important that we remember these farmers are still in need of assistance. Their lives were completely devastated and the media has remained very quiet. Please Share this on Facebook and spread the word since the Media will not.